June 2020 If the message doesn't display, open it in browser.
  Gorenje, a Hisense company  
Social media pack for June!

Can you believe it's almost summer? Vacation plans might be a bit uncertain this year, but the new social media pack is here as always. On the links below you will find new video recipes, story suggestions and blog post. And speaking of which – we highly recommend you really do take advantage of the blog option on your local webpage as it can help boost your SEO, get local rankings organically and even generate leads.

Blog posts
For more information, please contact:

Tjaša Kobal Anžur, Senior Project Manager: tjasa.kobalanzur@gorenje.com

Pina Javernik
, Project Manager: pina.javernik@gorenje.com

Urška Jan, 
Digital Project Manager: urska.jan@gorenje.com

Previous newsletters www.gorenjegroup.com